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3D Nano Assembly for Photonics Workshop

Meeting ID: 819 3541 8823

The focus of this workshop is to identify unique properties and opportunities offered by three-dimensional (3D) hierarchical materials to explore their applications in photonics. The idea is to bring together and to "cross-pollinate" scientific and engineering communities that develop hierarchical materials using various 3D sculpting techniques; examples include additive manufacturing, chemical synthesis, self-assembly, and techniques that specialize in photonics.

Monday, September 13

**times in Pacific Time

9:00-9:10am: Welcome (Andrei Faraon and Julia Greer)
Morning Topic: Topological Phenomena and Devices
9:10-9:40am: Andrea Alu "Metamaterial-Based Nanophotonics" abstract and bio
9:40-10:10am: David Pine "Self-assembly of Colloidal Diamond for Photonics" abstract and bio
10:10-10:25am: Break
10:25-10:55am: Mikael Rechtsman "Topological Photonics in Three Dimensions" abstract and bio
10:55-11:25am: Mercedeh Khajavikhan "Opportunities in Non-Hermitian and Topological Photonics" abstract and bio
11:25am-12:10pm: Group Discussion (Discussion Leader: Alejandro Rodriguez) bio
12:10-1:00pm: Break
Afternoon Topic: Nano-fabrication from 2D to 3D
1:00-1:30pm: Maiken Mikklesen "3D Nanogap Cavities for Extreme Light-Matter Behavior" abstract and bio
1:30-2:00pm: Chih-Hao Chang "Patterning 3D Photonic Nanostructures using Light Scattering from Colloidal Particles" abstract and bio
2:00-2:15pm: Break
2:15-2:45pm: Paul Braun "Multiphoton Polymerization of Volumetric Microscale Gradient Refractive Index Lenses and Waveguides for Ultra-dense 3D Optics" abstract and bio
2:45-3:15pm: Ed Boyden "Expansion Microscopy and Implosion Fabrication" abstract and bio
3:15-4:00pm: Group Discussion (Discussion Leader: Julia Greer) bio

Tuesday, September 14

**times in Pacific Time

Morning Topic: Emerging Phenomena in Nano-Photonics
9:00-9:30am: Yuebing Zheng "On-Demand Assembly of Reconfigurable Architected Nanomaterials for Nanophotonics" abstract and bio
9:30-10:00am: Darrick Chang "The Ultimate Limits to Optical Refractive Index" abstract and bio
10:00-10:15am: Break
10:15-10:45am: Nicholas Kotov "Continuous Chirality of Self-Assembled Nanostructures for Chiral Photonics" abstract and bio
10:45-11:15am: Boubacar Kante "Record Nano-photonic Devices and their Nano-manufacturing" abstract and bio
11:15am-12:00pm: Group Discussion (Discussion Leader: Mohammad Hafezi) bio
12:00-1:00pm: Break
Afternoon Topic: New Designs and Materials for Photonics
1:00-1:30pm: Jelena Vuckovic "Inverse Designed Integrated Photonics" abstract and bio
1:30-2:00pm: Mathias Kolle "Manipulating Light and Color with Soft and Structured Matter" abstract and bio
2:00-2:15pm: Break
2:15-2:45pm: Mark Brongersma "Assembly of 2D Metafilms into 3D Optoelectronic Devices" abstract and bio
2:45-3:15pm: Shenqiang Ren "Multifunctional Transparent Molecular Ferroelectrics" abstract and bio
3:15-4:00pm: Group Discussion (Discussion Leader: Andrei Faraon) bio
4:00-4:15pm: Wrap Up/Closing (Julia Greer and Andrei Faraon)

3d nano

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